2018 MOTORWORLD Autobuchpreisの全結果:
Turbo 3.0 BookがMOTORWORLD Buchpreisを受賞
の ターボ3.0 本 切望された中で1位を獲得 MOTORWORLD BUCHPREIS Markenbuchカテゴリ(1つのブランドのベストブック)で、年間のベストカーブックを表彰します。授賞式は、2019年5月23日木曜日にドイツのベーブリンゲンにあるMotorworld Stuttgart V8 HotelのArthur Bechtel Classic Motorsショールームで行われました。
ほぼ20年間、著名な自動車歴史家およびジャーナリスト ユルゲン・レヴァンドフスキ氏が主宰 の Autobuchpreisは、自動車とモータースポーツのトピックで毎年生産される最高の作品を称えます。 2018年、MOTORWORLD GroupはAutobuchpreisの主要スポンサーになり、イベントを主催し、JürgenLewandowksi(審査委員長)、AndreasDünkel(Motorworld Group)の審査チームを主催しました 会長)、Mark N.Backé(グランドバーゼル会長)、Vittorio Strosek(Strosek Design)、Michael Stoschek(Brose 会長)、Christian Steiger(クラシックカー編集長)、Dr。 アンドレアスカウフマン(ライカカメラ 会長)およびRobertino Wild(山羊座 会長).
Platz 1:Parabolica Press — Ryan Snodgrass —ポルシェ ターボ3.0
Vor zwei Jahren hat Ryan Snodgrass die ultimative Porsche Carrera 2.7-Bibel geschrieben —und nun hat sich der Software-Ingenieur zwei weitere Jahre gegeben、um das ultimative Buchüberden Porsche Turbo 3.0 zu Papier zu bringen。 Das Ergebnis ist ein opulenter Band mit 536 Seiten Umfang、der wirklich allesüberdie Genese und den Bau des ersten mit Turboaufladung sowie dessen erste Renn-Version des Typ 934 beinhaltet。 ES IST NICHTヌールDAS Gewichtフォン5,8 Kilogramm、DAS diesesブーフZU einemデアHöhepunkteDERdiesjährigenAutomobilbuch-PRODUKTIONマクト、ES ISTオーシュRECHERCHE DER Tiefeダイオーデルデアlieferbaren InterieurダイBereitstellungオーシュausgefallener Dokumente、ウィーbeispielsweise Allerのファーブ・コードをUND -Ausstattungen。
Darüberhinaus hat Ryan Snodgrass auch die Geschichte aller One-Off-Modelle、wie sie beispielsweisefürLuise Pich oder Conte Rossi(vom Martini-Clan)gebaut wurden、nachgezeichnet。 Und dazu — wie bereits angedeutet — die Geschichte des 934、dessen Evolution letztlich zumlegendären935führensollte。 Kurz gesagt:Ein Opus Magnum、dem kein weiteres Buchüberdieses Thema mehr zu folgen braucht — klar ist aber auch、dass ein solches Werk seinen Preis hat:595 Dollar kostet die auf 300 Exemplare limitierte Edel-Ausgabe Preprinter、schüber 、Werksfotos und -Dias beigelegt sind。 Die auf 2.500 Exemplare limitierte„ Normal "-Ausgabe kostet 395 Dollar。Ein grandioses Buch、das wahrscheinlich bald、wenn die Auflagen vergriffen sind、zu deutlichhöherenPreisen gehandelt werden wird。
Ryan Snodgrassが2年前に究極のPorsche Carrera 2.7 Bibleを書いた-そして今、ソフトウェアエンジニアはさらに2年を費やしてPorsche Turbo 3.0に関する究極の本を書いている。結果は、最初のターボチャージャー付きのポルシェロードビークルとその最初のレースバージョンのタイプ934の起源と構造に関するすべてを本当に含む、豪華な536ページのボリュームです。今年の自動車の本の生産のハイライトは、研究の深さであり、すべてのカラーコードや提供可能なインテリアの特徴などの空想的な文書の提供でもあります。
さらに、Ryan Snodgrassは、LuisePiéchやConte Rossi(Martini氏族)向けに構築されたモデルなど、すべての1回限りのモデルのストーリーもさかのぼります。そして、すでに述べたように、934の物語であり、その進化は最終的に伝説の935に至りました。要するに、この主題についてこれ以上本を読む必要のないオーパスマグナムですが、そのような作品には価格があります:595ドルは、スリップケースに入った300部のノーブルエディションの限定版を要し、価格表を再版し、工場の写真とスライドが添付されています。 2,500部に限定された「通常」版の価格は395ドルです。エディションが完売した場合、かなり高い価格で恐らくすぐに素晴らしい本が取引されます。
第一: ライアン・スノッドグラス: ポルシェ、 ターボ3.0、パラボリカプレス
2番目:Jon Pressnell(組織): ブリストル飛行機会社/自動車部門、パラワンプレス
第三:Stefan Bogner、Franz Steinbacher: アバルト、Delius Klasing Verlag
第一:Chris Van de Wiele: L`Histoire des Bianchi、 ブノワデリエージュエディション
2番目:Johannes Wosilat: Der gute RUF、隠れたチャンピオン(Eigenverlag)
第一:Ian Wagstaff: ポルシェ917 – 023、ヒールヴェラーグ
2番目:Michael Behrndt: Motor-Klassiker Rennwagen、Franzis-Verlag
第三:Edwin Baaske(組織): フォルメルE、Delius Klasing Verlag
第一:Lies de Mol / Bart Lenaerts: 276.864、WAFT-Verlag
2番目: 70 Jahre Porsche Sportwagen私たちはあなたの在り方を愛し、走り続けます、ramp.space Verlag
第三:Olivier Mosset: ホイール、エディションパトリックフレイ
Gundula Tutt: Kutschenlack、Asphaltschwarz、Nitroglanz、カレン出版
パトリックダッセ: アルファロメオレイヘ、Dingwort Verlag
Othmar Wickenheiser教授: 電気高速設計プロジェクト、Shaker Media GmbH
パトリス・ベルジェス/キャシー・デュブイソン: Simca-DieschönstenModelle von 1960 bis 1980、ヒールヴェラーグ
ウルリッヒビエン: ガソリン。 Nimm Dir Zeit – und nicht das Leben、Delius Klasing Verlag
I’ve had Ryan Snodgrass’s new Turbo 3.0 book for a couple of weeks and I’m still not even half way through the material - simply incredible! I confess that I previewed some of the chapters in advance during draft reviews but when it arrived, I was astounded just how much material I had not seen before and how well it is organized. Chapters begin with awe-inspiring glossy photo prints that hint at the mind boggling material inside. This is no ordinary book with chapters that include part and publication reference numbers that will have 3 liter Turbo owners (or potential future buyers) pulling it off the shelf as “the” ultimate reference source in months and years to come. The exhaustive production record section includes details of every 3-liter Turbo ever made. As an example, if you wonder (like I did) just how many 3-liter Turbos had light red interiors, you can find it here…just do the research yourself with the production record section and then go for a deep dive in the interior section with never before seen details of the leather color and fabrics. For those who wisely purchase the Publisher’s edition, the Turbo 3.0 card/thumb drive and special book supplement by itself is worth the price of admission; but of course, like everything else about this book, there is so much more!
I had the opportunity to examine the first copy of Ryan's latest book , the Turbo 3.0. The Turbo book exceeds the already remarkable benchmark set by his Carrera 2.7 book by a significant margin. He tells the story of the 930 Turbo in exacting detail, from Porsche's first work with turbocharging and the early prototypes through series production (and ongoing changes) to the 934 and 934.5 race cars. It should become an indispensable resource for the collector, restorer and enthusiast and it is absolutely beautiful to behold. The production quality is to (Porsche) museum standards.
Here is the clincher: the book includes a listing of every 3 liter Turbo produced by chassis number with original colors and factory equipment. Absolutely mind-blowing. I can't imagine that any single marque/model book will ever attain or exceed this level of excellence. It will without question become the standard reference work for the 3 liter 930 (and for the cars that followed), and is destined to become one of the true Porsche essentials. Seriously it's that good. BTW it weighs ten pounds.
I recently received my copy of Carrera 2.7 and did not put it down until I had devoured all 406 pages! I am life long Porsche fanatic who has a penchant for details and everything being "correct". Mr. Snodgrass must share this affliction as his attention to detail throughout this book borders on the compulsive. For many years the Impact Bumper 2.7 MFI cars have been overlooked and as such there was no definitive guide to the history, authenticity and the overall greatness of these cars. This book will answer all of your questions as well as provide you never before seen factory photographs to substantiate the many previously unknown details.
If I have any complaint with the book is that it is simply too much a piece of "art" to be a useful field tool. From its outer box, binding and beautiful pages it's simply a treat to turn the pages. I found myself being careful while reading so as to not damage what will be long held as one of the treasures of the Porsche written word. It is apparent the care that went into the design, copy and production of this book. It will go on my shelf next to copies of Ludvigsen's "Excellence Was Expected" and Kondradsheim's "Carrera RS". I can't wait to see what the Author comes up with next!
Now if the author could make a paperback "field tool" that I could use when evaluating or judging the authenticity a particular 2.7 MFI...
I thought the 2.7 Carrera book was amazing. But the 3.0 Turbo book knocks it right out of the park! I cannot believe the detail that went into everything from cover to cover. I have a Turbo 3.0 and looked it up it all the information was right there! I have about 50 + books on Porsche this one is right at the top of the list. I have never seen such an exhaustive amount of research go into a book on a particular model such as this. Truly unbelievable!
Once again, Ryan has been doing an outstanding job describing the Porsche Turbo 3.0 in historical perspective as well as in every possible technical detail.
Ryan choses the same structure as in his superbly done Carrera 2.7 publication. I could not imagine any book on any Porsche whatsoever that brings more background and details to life. It doesn't lack any kind of information that one wishes to obtain on an early turbo - there is nothing comparable on the market, which makes the publication THE reference book for the early Turbo.
Can't wait for Ryan to embark on a new project (which I am sure he's already contemplating).
Three thumbs up, Georg
The Dino Compendium by Matthias Bartz is indispensable for the Dino enthusiast. It raises the bar to new heights, really a remarkable book.
What an amazing book. Such a great compliment to the Carrera 2.7 book. A must have for any turbo enthusiast. I only purcHsed it because of how nice the Carrera book was and I knew that it would be a great resource for my 76-77 Carrera 3.0’s with respect to many similarities on body and interior options. Only complaint is that it’s so nice and so big that I was too worried of damaging it while reading. No suggestions on how to have addressed this. Great job!
Als Fan des Porsche G-Modells muss man dieses Buch einfach lesen. Ich darf mir ein Urteil erlauben, den ich bin der Designer und Grafiker der mit Herrn Snodgrass zusammenarbeiten durfte. Alleine die Tatsache wie viele Freiheiten der Autor mir in der Gestaltung gelassen hat, ist bemerkenswert. Was ich positiv herausstellen möchte: die Anzahl und Aufmachung an Tabellen und Diagrammen, die technische Zusammenhänge gut erklären. Auch der Umfang der Recherche ist bemerkenswert und auf selbem Level wie bei dem Carrera RS Buch von Gruber/Konradsheim. Was sich wahrscheinlich viele Leser wünschen: eine Auflistung aller Chassisnummern mit der jeweiligen Ausstattung. Die ist leider nur für die 1976er Sondermodelle vorhanden. Heutzutage ist es eben nicht mehr so einfach eine Freigabe dafür zu erhalten. Auch das Motorsport Kapitel ist lesenswert. Porsche betrieb zwar keinen Werksmotorsport mit dem SC, aber die privat eingesetzten 2.7 Liter Carreras hat der Autor detektivartig aufgespürt. Hervorzuheben ist die große Anzahl an bisher unveröffentlichtem Bildmaterial (und die Bilder sind auch schön groß abgebildet). Das Buch kann ich wärmstens empfehlen.
The title says it all; what a phenomenal job, well researched, well photo-documented, well written and very well published. I have read it twice, cover to cover and am still learning more. Typos and factual issues are few and far between (and I am sure Ryan has found all!) and, wouldn't you know it, I may have a pre-production Carrera that doesn't follow "all the rules. In short, this book is bound to be a companion to Ludvigen's "Excellence was Expected" and Kondrasheim/Gruber's "Carrera RS". I am only sorry that regular purchasers did not benefit from the Special Book Supplement that accompanied the red, limited edition..
I now have a copy of this book and it is superb! Certainly the definitive reference for Carrera 2.7 MFI cars. This book is thick with photography, tables, archive pictures, charts, period documents and production numbers. It is meticulously researched.
Everyone is asking you “What do you want for Christmas?”. Well, here is your answer. Get this book ordered.
I knew it was going to be good but I’m staggered at the quality of the photography, the printing, the binding, the design & layout. It is wonderful. And - of course - the content is remarkably complete and thorough. Ryan has invested much of his life into this reference piece and a substantial chunk of money no doubt too. There’s no scrimping on quality and no depth of detail missed. I wholeheartedly recommend it.